Hollilander Study Abroad Consultancy

Hollilander Study Abroad Consultancy

Our specialisation includes:
  1. Direct affiliation with all prestigious western institutions and colleges, including those in Ireland.
  2. Excellent visa success
  3. Assistance for PPS number (for Ireland), bank account and tax registration.
  4. Proper financial consultation.
  5. Around 5000 courses
  6. We issue address proof for all students applying to Irish colleges and universities through us.
We are affiliated with the following universities and there are some of the top most courses offered by them:

Dublin Business School: MBA in Finance, Marketing and Project Management etc.
Griffith College: MSc Big data Management & Analytics, MSc In Pharmaceutical Business and Technology and MSc in International Business Management etc.
University of Limerick: MSc. Nursing, Msc. Business Analytic and MSc
● International Management and Global Business
Technological University Shannon : MSc in Digital Marketing, Meng In Energy
Infrastructure etc.
Waterford Institute of Technology: MSc in Construction Project Management, MSc
in Data Analytics etc.
IT Sligo : MSc in Food & Nutritional Product Development, MSc International
Health Management etc.
Letterkenny Institute of Technology: MSc in Business Management, Master of
Science Supply Chain Analytics etc.
Dundalk Institute of Technology: Master of Engineering (MEng) in Mechanical
Engineering, MSc in Computing and MSc / Postgraduate Diploma in Agricultural
Biotechnology etc.
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology:
● and many more….

Hollilander is an educational consultancy with its head office in Ireland and branch office in Kerala, India. We actively support students from all around India to relocate to abroad. We have a terrific team of expert advisers who can assist people in selecting the program at the university or college of their choosing that best suits their interests. Studying abroad in a country of your choice will allow you to explore a variety of cultures.

We will be assisting you throughout your study abroad journey. From the first step of selecting a course and university till you get your visa approved. Both our offices in Ireland and India are efficient in liaising with universities and colleges across the globe and securing an offer letter according to your credentials and preferences . So, forget about the hassle of collecting the correct documents and submitting everything on time by yourself because we
will be doing it for you.

There are various advantages to studying in Ireland itself as well, if that is something you want to do. Some of these include reduced tuition, scholarships up to €3000, a chance to stay back for two years, etc.

We provide complete assistance in Course counselling, University/Country selection, Scholarships, Education Loans and Pre-departure orientations. Make your dream of studying abroad a reality by getting in touch with us right away.

Click on the following link for getting your free assessment and consultation from our experts https://form.jotform.com/223464021757353 . Once your registration is complete,
we would just require a few documents for assessing your profile to find the best fit course and college for you. You will be informed regarding the required documents in advance by our team.

For any further information visit our website www.hollilander.com or send a mail to us on
info@hollilander.com or contact us on +91 4812580353, +91 8129333012.
Connect with us through social platforms to stay updated:
  • Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/hollilanderstudyabroad/
  • Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/hollilander_studyabroad/
  • YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@hollilanderrecruitment5411/

Reference Advertise Code: TBA230623

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